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Nestled between Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells, in the Kent Countryside, you find Southborough, and the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Dunstan's.


Our parish belongs to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark, under Archbishop John Wilson, in communion with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, the leader of all Catholics throughout the world and the successor of St. Peter, the first Pope.


Our community is richly composed, but what unites us is this bond- we wish to follow Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, through the One Holy Catholic Church which He founded and continues to guide. We are sinners, of course, but it is in and through the Catholic Church that we are healed and sanctified- taking advantage of the sacraments- the infallible means of God's grace. We call on Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin, as our Mother in Heaven, and on St. Dunstan, our holy patron, to help us to be more faithful followers of Christ during our earthly pilgrimage. 


We have our eyes fixed on the Eternal Life that Christ promises to those who follow Him faithfully through His Holy Church.


If you are a Catholic living in the area, or perhaps travelling by, we hope to get to meet you soon at Sunday Mass. If you are not a Catholic, likewise, you are also most welcome to 'come and see', to experience our fellowship, and to be near to Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is present at every Holy Mass, and Who awaits you, personally, in the tabernacle of every Catholic Church.


May Almighty God bless You and Our Lady intercede for you,


 Parish Priest.


Church Address:


34A London Rd, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells TN4 0QA

Mass Times:


Sunday Mass    

5:30pm (Saturday Vigil)





Saturdays 5-5:25pm

and on request any other time


Phone: 01892 529158


Holy Days of obligation:

10am (and see newsletter)

Check the Newsletter:

For daily Mass and Confession times, as well details of devotions during Advent, Lent and Christmas

2022 © St. Dunstan's Roman Catholic Church, Southborough. All rights reserved.
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark CIO. Registered Incorporated Charity no. 1173050


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